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41,J. P. Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai - 400061, India.

+ 91 7506590059

India is a country with a population of more than 1.2 billion where the government is moving towards digitising the country and wants every citizen to have a bank account

With the banking fraud increasing every year, it is the banks and merchants who ultimately shoulder most of the financial burden.

India is a country with a population of more than 1.2 billion where the government is moving towards digitising the country and wants every citizen to have a bank account

With the banking fraud increasing every year, it is the banks and merchants who ultimately shoulder most of the financial burden.

Distribution Credit Card
Fraud Detection System
The AI is capable of automatically identifying anomalies in transactions very accurately.

Solution Distribution Credit Card Fraud Detection System Automatically Identification

How works

Distribution Credit Card
Fraud Detection System
The AI is capable of automatically identifying anomalies in transactions very accurately.

Solution Distribution Credit Card Fraud Detection System Automatically Identification
Credit.AI Account Takeover Checkout Fraud Good User Verification & Identify

Account Takeover : CREDIT AI effortlessly detects when a customer's account has been taken over or breached in real-time.
Checkout Fraud : Prevent unauthorised transactions and speed up the checkout process for known good users.
Good User Verification : Continuously verify your customer's online identity with actionable behavioral intelligence you can trust.
Identity : Identify the high risk accounts that are most likely to lead to braand damage from fraudulent activity.

Process Account Takeover Checkout Fraud Good User Verification & Identity


Account Takeover : CREDIT AI effortlessly detects when a customer's account has been taken over or breached in real-time.
Checkout Fraud : Prevent unauthorised transactions and speed up the checkout process for known good users.
Good User Verification : Continuously verify your customer's online identity with actionable behavioral intelligence you can trust.
Identity : Identify the high risk accounts that are most likely to lead to braand damage from fraudulent activity.

The incidence of Credit Fraud has gone up by more than 35 percentage between 2012-13 and 2015-16 in India, according contry's federal bank Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Assessment In year 2014 : 22% In year 2015 : 35% In year 2016 : 40%

Case Study

The incidence of Credit Fraud has gone up by more than 35 percentage between 2012-13 and 2015-16 in India, according contry's federal bank Reserve Bank of India (RBI)